Opportunities, and Challenges of Latrine Utilization among Rural Communities of Awabel District, Northwest Ethiopia, 2014


Ethiopia is working hard to increase access to improved sanitation to its rapidly growing population; however, its proper utilization is questioned. Update on its utilization is required. The objective of the study was to assess latrine utilization and associated factors among rural communities in Awabel District, Northwest Ethiopia, 2014. Community based cross-sectional study was conducted on 575 households. Participants were selected through multi-stage sampling technique. Pre-tested interviewer administered structured questioner and observational checklist was used to collect data. The collected data were coded and entered using Epi-Info 3.5.3 and analysis was done using SPSS version 20. Bivariable and multivariable logistic regressions were used to identify the associated factors for proper utilization of latrine facilities. Possible association and statistical significance were measured using odds ratio at 95% confidence interval. Proper utilization of latrine was practiced by about 297 (52%) of households. Utilization was significantly associated with presence of school children in the households [AOR: 1.824, 95%CI (1.189 - 2.799)], and latrine which did not need maintenance [AOR: 4.294, 95%CI (2.625 - 7.025)], households who were advised to construct latrine by health professionals [AOR: 4.194, 95%CI: (1.674 - 12.358)] and self initiation to construct latrine [AOR: 7.461, 95%CI: (1.850 - 30.084)]. The most outstanding findings of this study were the following: latrine utilization will be sustainable when the toilet is constructed following proper household based health education, when the toilet is well constructed, and when there is supportive supervision. This implies that health extension workers do have a pivotal role for increasing toilet construction as well as its proper utilization. The current level of proper latrine utilization seems fairly good for rural communities in the district. However, there is a lot to do to make it part of their culture. Its sustainability seems to be achievable via health extension package. Therefore, motivating health extension workers is recommended.

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Gedefaw, M. , Amsalu, Y. , Tarekegn, M. and Awoke, W. (2015) Opportunities, and Challenges of Latrine Utilization among Rural Communities of Awabel District, Northwest Ethiopia, 2014. Open Journal of Epidemiology, 5, 98-106. doi: 10.4236/ojepi.2015.52013.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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